Falling Forward & Back

Summer is almost over. The temperatures are ebbing and flowing. And the harvest moon is headed our way.

I have definiately enjoyed this summer. Lots of self care and outside time (not vending).

Kendrick Lamar, The US Open, & AfroPunk punking me were a few highlights. The BEST time was my Hudson NY Weekend with the Best folks!

And now we all round out and head back to the true grind - work/schools/kids/daylightsavingstime.

YO! Can it just be daylight til 8 all year. Dang!

We don’t loose or gain anything. I HATE when the news people report the loss or gain of that hour. I swear I scream at the TV everytime. It’s just DUMB.

OK, yeah… I’m spiriling!

So as the clocks get adjusted, I am falling back in love with Fall!

That means jackets and sweatshirts. All Day!

I have three new features for the Fall thus far.

You should know by now that I LOVE LOVE me some James Baldwin. I listen to him everyday. If you want to learn more I recommend that you check out Daana Townsend on IG. She goes by the handle #retrosoul_ . She will teach you everything Baldwin!

And right after JB is Cassius Clay. It’s the matter of fact speech for me! He never backed down. He spoke his BLACK MIND!

And then there our BED-STUY EAGLE SCOUTS. Though I was never a scout. I alwayed wanted to join. Maybe just for the cookies but hey gotta start somewhere, And though I never joined I like the concept. Especially for our young men. Past year statistics state that 97% of scouts are white. And about only 1% of scouts attain the Eagle status. So I pulled out my Apple Pencil, drew some Black Eagle Scouts and penned them to Bed-Stuy. Taking some influence of Kerry James Marshall. He is another fave of mine. Check out his Scout paintings. You can also learn about our Eagle Scouts In Philly. Check out this article about Philly Eagle Scouts. Any Scout Masters in the STUY? We need you.

Thanks for letting me share the musings in my mind!

Catch you on the next drop.

Same Black Station.

(heart emoji) NEGRO SUNSHINE
